Hello MechWarriors!
For this weekend, we are offering the missilingest, AMS-non-having, are-those-headlights-no-wait-they're-missile-ports Cicada, the X-5, for 30% off! Next to that, we have the AC-20est, brawltastic, holy-cow-is-that-fast Centurion, the Yen-Lo-Wang for 30% off!
And what do we have on sale to put in those misfits of medium Mechs? Why, every single statue in the game, 50% off! That's right, you can incept your Centurion with Centurions (if you look close, I'm sure you'll see a Centurion in the Centurion in your Centurion).
And on top of that - GXP conversion will be doubled, 2x, 50 XP for 1 - so you can quickly fill out the XP unlocks in your Mechs (inside Mechs, inside Mechs...)
See you on the battlefield!
Hero Mechs
- Cicada, The X-5
- 30% off, reg. 3000
, NOW 2100
- 30% off, reg. 3000
- Centurion, Yen-Lo-Wang
- 30% off, reg. 3750
, NOW 2625
- 30% off, reg. 3750

- Catapult, Atlas, Hunchback, Jenner, Cataphract, Centurion, Raven, Commando, Stalker, Awesome, Dragon, Cicada, Spider, Jagermech, Trebuchet
- Double GXP Conversion (Convert 50 XP for 1
Friday August 16th 10am PDT
Tuesday August 20th 10am PDT